50 female TL/GL staff of MAS Holdings were provided an opportunity to participate in an English Language Learning Program funded by The Commonwealth. The program was based on DynEd’s English language software(Neo) which was an additional teaching tool utilized to deliver our blended approach. Sessions were highly interactive and fun with an array of Headway Learning Solution’s Signature activities keeping the participants engaged. Through he blended approach, participants were given the opportunity to practice, personalize and extend the language. The 7 Day English Language Training Program was initiated with a placement test to ensure students started the language program at a level that suited them best. Based on the placement test, students were segregated into two groups to follow lab and classroom sessions according to their proficiency levels. Target language was practiced during lab sessions and personalized during classroom sessions which helped build confidence and essential vocabulary needed to perform in their line of work. In conclusion, an Award Ceremony was organized by the participants where their new found confidence and skills were showcased.