
In a rapidly globalizing world of advanced technology, HLS plays a pioneering role as a language educator. In such a globally challenging time, HLS stepped in to conduct a workshop on 5th August 2023 at NEO partner center in Kandy for students who were enrolled in the innovative software based English program. It is an approach to nurture students into new modes of learning where they can thrive with innovative methodologies which suit the modern socio- cultural environment; hence polishing their language skills further.

The focus area was to promote language learning through language games. HLS incorporated the concept of gamification to create the perfect playful learning environment. The students immediately embraced this concept as it filled their new adventure with fun, excitement, enthusiasm and wonder at discovering something refreshing. This new-found approach is to bring the dynamic interaction of play environment as an effective tool in delivering language. Students are rescued from mere spectatorship and are introduced into entertaining content where student absorbs the language quite unaware of its harsh theoretical basis. It is a collection of wide range of activities from vocabulary building to simple day to day conversation that motivates the student to enjoy learning. The active participation of the student allows the student to foresee beyond the scope of traditional textbook activities. The deep rooted understanding comes through experimental learning where they convert themselves into constructors of meaning without being the conventional passive doer. The overall immersive learning experience was a wonder to be witnessed.

It is a groundbreaking approach when students completely bring out their individual energies into rebuilding their confidence in language. The accelerated confident levels result in improved, more focused language acquisition. The technique of gamification prevents the fear of making mistakes, encouraging them to take risks which helps learners to amplify their mastery of the language better than usual. The unconventional space demands respect from students towards fellow learners and cooperative language learning bridges cultures and communities. Learning is not confined into classroom spaces anymore and it has broadened its avenues into more interactive and active sessions.

The workshop organized by HLS on 5th August at NEO partner center in Kandy excelled in advancing students into dynamic learning environment. The combination of both theoretical facts and active games nurtured confident and empowered personalities who are willing to accept a challenging learning environment. It advocates comradeship where each student is aware of other’s learning potential. The workshop is an immediate success which marked the successful output of an education acquired through much interaction and active participation.

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